Sliced-up centerpiece

I  discovered this brilliant idea on Pinterest several weeks ago.

Last Tuesday we needed a simple centerpiece for a Board meeting at the office. Here’s my version:

I used one orange for this arrangement. I used a second orange (sliced) by itself in a smaller, square vase. The unanticipated bonus: fresh-cut orange smells lovely! Next time, I might try adding a lemon or lime to the mix for additional color.

File this away in the to-done! bucket 🙂 Woo hoo!


The rhododendrons are starting to bloom. We have several *large* bushes. Well, trees, maybe? At any rate, I think one or two are older than me.

The best part, in my opinion, is that there happen to be several different type and color on the SW corner of the house. And they all bloom at different times.

The pink and pale are out. The bees are happy 🙂


The bright pink blooms will be out next. Can’t wait!! #gospring 🙂