Bookends revisited


This. Clear, bright brisk mornings when fog hovers daintily just above the grass, like a hummingbird before a sweet flower. All things new. A perfect way to start a birthday day. A great beginning to a new year. 

That. A glowing, fiery sunset slowly surrendering to rest like a drowsy child afraid of missing out on any excitement. A fitting toast to a day filled with many good things. 


The other thing. Warm. Cheerful. Peaceful. Soothing. Exactly perfect. 



April 17, 2015

Birthday wishes. The Point.  More cake 🙂

Best. Week. Ever.

It was my birthday on Tuesday, and it was smashing (another shout-out to those who made it so). As a whole, #37 was pretty dang good. And the first week of my New Year that promises to be even better has been the best. week. ever. (Well, best ever so far in #38.)

What made last week so great? A few big things … like the incredibly thoughtful and touching way my colleagues helped me celebrate my birthday, the *awesome* presents from my family (exactly what I wanted), and making it to the final phase of an intense strategic planning process at work.

But it wasn’t just the big things. It was the small things, too. An unexpected brown paper package not tied up with string, but definitely full of love. A play date this morning, and the cup of coffee Corrie brought me, because I asked if she would. A sunny day and the start of this year’s Teva tan.

I especially love the sentiment in Lauren’s totally perfect gift … “to even greater heights!” I’m *so* looking forward to this next year of my life. Bring it, #38!

Never "too old" for a play date …

Several months ago, two of my friends and I decided we didn’t see enough of each other, and determined to change that. I utterly adore these two fabulous women–in their own unique ways, they bring out the best in me. And sometimes snorting, when the three of us are together.

We agreed to meet regularly; the standing monthly appointment is on my calendar as a “Mental Health Break.” We meet at Laughing Planet and hilarity ensues. Really, if you can’t laugh at Laughing Planet … At first, it seemed a little, well, silly, that three grown people would have to purposely schedule time to just hang out and catch up. But now we have done a few times, this is one appointment I don’t want to miss.

We have no agenda for what’s become a play date. We tried that once, an agenda. It didn’t work. We were unanimous in that. So, we have no defined deliverable; there’s no key indicator or metric used to measure our productivity. Wait. Scratch that. There is at least one measure … how much my sides ache the following day from laughing at us. Laughter really is good medicine. And a fabulous ab workout. Never mind the dinosaurs. 

Last month, we discovered we all have
 birthdays within 30 days of each other. Who knows where it came from, but we ended up saying we should wear tiaras this month to celebrate. Kristina actually has one, and good girl, she wore it. I don’t have a tiara, so I stopped at the craft store, and picked up supplies to make one. 

Unfortunately, Brenda couldn’t join us this month. Since we didn’t get to see her tiara, we made her a princess one. Complete with a castle, crown, cute little mirror, and frog prince (that I somehow managed to cut off in that bottom right corner). We’ll deliver it tomorrow. 🙂

Two pictures at once … talented paparazzi, we are.  

Long live play dates!! 

Puzzle Perfect

It was my first “grown up” two-week vacation, and I was staying with my very best friend. In London. It was the first time my travel required a passport! My flight was scheduled for Sept 12, 2001, and for obvious reasons, my whole itinerary was pushed back two weeks. But I did go, and I wouldn’t trade that trip for anything. It was the first time I’d seen my sister-friend in a few years, and we made the most it. 

Proper English tea. A weekend in Paris. Cheese and wine in a French museum followed by the most amazing Monet. The first time I’ve been moved to tears by
art. A beyond-words lovely day in Bath (no small thing for a Jane Austen fan). We had SUCH an adventure. So many new experiences. So much time together, celebrating
the moment and imprinting the memories.
For several summers, I’ve been part of my friend’s hot air balloon crew. This year, he started teaching me to fly. No one in this season of my life knows I’ve wanted to fly since I was 6 years old. Growing up, I dreamed of being a Navy pilot. I wanted so badly to fly aircraft off carriers. My junior year of high school, I started gathering the requisite recommendations for Annapolis. That summer, several family circumstances shifted, and I readjusted my college/career plans.
These many years later, to be learning to fly … I’m not sure there are words.
I’m certain Andrea didn’t know why that holiday and hot air balloons are so meaningful to me when she picked out a seemingly innocent Christmas present. It’s really not important. What matters is she listens between the words found a gift with meaning across several seasons of my life. She must have bribed the keeper of my sentimental bits. In any case, I couldn’t have picked anything more perfect.

My heart is full.  


There are so many things worthy of mention on this, Thanksgiving Day.

Yet when I look out the window and see sunlit blue sky on a crisp, autumn day, it occurs to me the simple things are really the most important:
– Family that loves me without condition
– Close friends that support me, no matter the situation
– Four-leggeds that remind me there is joy and adventure in the most mundane tasks (even
taking out the trash)

I am thankful for God’s provision and blessings. My cup truly runneth over.