Pinktastic Tour 2012

This year has really flown by {snapping fingers} fast. It’s nearly Christmas!?! 2012 has been spectacular; several fabulous events and experiences with so *many* wonderful, indulgent moments in between. Here is one such event from earlier this summer:

It was a dark and stormy night … 

It was a clear and dry day …

I’m not sure who was responsible, but I was nominated to lead the first Saturday club MOTO ride of the season.

Being Ride Master is no mean responsibility. So many considerations:
* Safety–first, last, always–avoiding traffic, limiting town travel, etc
* Adequate pit stops–for stretching and well, pit stops
* Scenery–and lots of it
* Lunch–time, location, type (picnic, restaurant)
* Road condition–should have turns and rolling hills, shouldn’t have stretches of gravel

Logistics can get a bit tricky, especially if you’re really trying to plan a fresh route.  Given the fact some in our group have ridden practically every possible route across the state (really, that’s not much of an exaggeration), logistics are next to impossible. The best you can hope for is to plan a route to a destination folks haven’t been to … in a while.


I’ve become sort of known for my riding boots. When I was Ride Master in 2011, Duane made everyone pink boot covers as a show of solidarity. It set a precedent, of sorts. My rides should have some touch of pink to them. Really, did he know what he was starting?

The Wed night prior I was encouraged to name my ride this year. I had a little idea brewing …


Pinktastic Tours: 2012 Pink Tea

We started with breakfast, stopped for lunch at the mid-point and ended with ice cream. That covers all the major food groups, right?

An overview of the route is to the right; total mileage: about 125 miles.

When I started planning the route, my goal was to find at least one road that at least one person in the club hadn’t been on before. So, I spent some QT with Google Maps plotting. I can heartily attest to the value of doing a check ride–far enough in advance that you can make route changes as necessary.

GPS thinks that you can get from Rodgers Mountain Loop over to Lulay. They probably were connected at some point … by a logging road no longer in use. Fortunately, that was the only bobble in planning. I decided to leave the loop as part of the route, because it really is a gorgeous, rolling 7.4 miles.

Turns out Dave had never been on this road before. WOO HOO! Success :)

The navigator (that would be me) went straight on Bilyeu Creek when I had intended to turn left. However, it turned out to be a GREAT mistake, because I found a road John hadn’t been on, and more importantly, a gorgeous pink Cadillac in a driveway. Finding a road John Turner hasn’t been on is the coup de gras. (Yay, me!)

At the first rest stop (Our Lady of Lourdes church), Duane shared what he knew of the history. And I popped open the trailer and rolled out the Pink Tea (Raspberry Snapple) and a few other pinkish snacks. Apparently this raises the bar a little higher for the next Ride Masters. (And now I have to figure out how to top that if they let me be Ride Master again.)

From the first stop we rambled to a turn-out in the Silver Creek Falls park. (um, note to self: parking, Memorial Day weekend, not so great) And from there to Silverton for lunch.

After lunch, we headed north up to Marquam, then west to Mt. Angel–via the scenic route, of course. We meandered south towards Stayton. I confess the navigator goofed again, but I think I covered pretty well, and no one will ever know.

It was a great route, if I say it myself. Given another 5 degrees or so of temperature–if bullying the weather into cooperation is possible–and it would have been a perfect day all around.


Sanity, of the sand & sea variety


{humming} somewhere… beyond the sea …

Forgotten UFO’s

We all need them every now then … a lovely, lazy weekend. This was one such. It’s Sunday afternoon, and I just woke from a most delicious nap. {yawn}. One dog has assumed the position: belly up, feet against the wall, tail flat along the hallway, completely relaxed and sound asleep. The other is curled up at the foot of my bed, occasionally snoring. {bliss}

It seems a bit weird to intrude on the day’s quietness by grabbing my iPad and plinking out a few lines. But you know what they say … striking, hot irons, and all that.
I can hear spring enjoying the afternoon, too. The little house finches, sparrows, chickadees … They are raising a ruckus in the rhododendron outside my window. The wind is taking advantage of the break in the rain and teasing the trees a bit and shadows dance across the far wall. I suppose I’ll have to get up eventually, and go fill the bird  feeder. Did you know, chickadees can be awfully pushy about dinner?
As low-key as it’s been, it’s also been an incredibly productive weekend. Saturday decided to pout. Or pour. Whatever. It bucketed. Which meant no outside chores (woo
hoo!) and the opportunity to putter in my room. I cleaned, purged, organized, and found stuff I forgot I had!
There is the yarn I have finally acknowledged I will never turn into a project bagged and ready to be donated away. The photos FINALLY corralled into an album. A bulging
bookshelf put back into order. The dusting put off too long. And, most importantly, the UFO’s–UnFinished Objects–quilting projects rediscovered. Who knew I had stashed a few in THAT storage cupboard after I moved … six years ago? Or tucked a few away in THAT drawer while I figured out how I wanted to organize my sewing room?
Doesn’t matter, not really. They are found, fondly remembered, and now back on the To-Do list. I’ve neglected my sewing machine for far too long. Quilting is my form of therapy–the creative process, the soothing hum of the machine, the stunning finished products. I love shopping for fabric (especially if it’s to be a gift), listening to what the fabric says it wants to be. I love the whole process. 

Left: a challenge quilt circa 2004, I think.
Middle: a crazy quilt started in 2001 (it’s been tucked away a while)
Right: Round Robin circa 2005. 
Four of the twelve I found that are ready for backing, pinning, and quilting. I’ve challenged myself to finish at least 5 for the Scio Lamb and Wool Fair in May.  

I utterly adore batiks. I spent at least a year collecting fat quarters from different shops all over the state. I think my biggest stash might’ve come from the shop in Newport. I’m pretty sure I started this project in 2004. And I’m pretty sure it’s been tucked away at least 3 years, maybe 4. I am really going to enjoy finishing this one. 

After dinner, I’m off to tame a UFO! 


This puzzle by Jan van Haasteren was a gift from one family member to another for Christmas 2011. Last week we made a bit of family night of it–dinner and a puzzle. It’s been a while since we’ve done anything like this. And I had a blast.

As you can see, there’s a lot going on here. As with any puzzle, sometimes you have to check the back of the pieces … to be sure they fit. 
After mom fit these two together (and was proud of herself for making a match!) I just happened to look at what she’d connected. 
Um. A for effort, momma. {giggle} But not quite. {giggle} Try again. 


It strikes me this is a good analogy for life. There’s a lot going on. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if things fit. And, pieces that seem to fit may not create the right picture. Double-check. If necessary, get someone else to look, too. And take pictures! The best memories are made of simple moments.   🙂

It’s the most wonderful time of the year …

Truly.  I love the Christmas season.

I love the twinkle of lights, the comforting smell of home made cookies, cinnamon and fresh-cut tree, and the tradition of cozy evenings tucked up with family, quoting our favorite Christmas movies like The Christmas Story, White Christmas, the Grinch, and all the other seasonal staples.

I love that shopping is sanctioned. But mostly, I love that giving, in whatever price range, is not viewed as gratuitous extravagance. Speaking of, I’m grateful for the ultimate gift Christ paid on the cross. A marvelous gift indeed.

On the flip side, patience, in the face of presents, is not a virtue. Giving, not getting.

I suck at waiting until a specific day to give said gifts. Which is why Christmas lasts all December in my world. Not so friendly to my pocket book, but, that’s why we work hard, right? I do my part to support the local economy.

Last weekend, my family and I went exploring (shopping trip with no particular destination), and found the Christmas Barn in Shedd. It’s literally a barn–stuffed to the rafters with fun, creative decorations like those in the pictures.

Yes, I did purchase a few things. Yes, those gifts have already been given, loved, and are now on display for enjoyment this year.

One of my favorite pieces of decoration is in the photo to the left. A Styrofoam ball, covered with scraps of sheet music, in a classic sorbet dish. The dish was $5, but I’m sure you could find it less expensive elsewhere. A candy dish could do just as well. Styrofoam ball, what, $1? Old sheet music could be found at nearly any garage sale or flea market. Cheap (but not tacky!), easy (and glue is involved, how great is that?) done.

Where do you find holiday inspiration?