How To Be A Hairy Beast: Lesson #2

HTBAHB: Lesson #2: Sleep all the sleeps2013-12-15 sleep


It’s a big job, being a puppy.

So many things to see.

So many things to do.

So many things to hide.

So many things to chew.

And so many sleeps to sleep…

2013-12-15 sleep zoe

I’ve been observing the Hairy Beasts these past few weeks. And something important I’ve noticed is that neither Zeke or Zoey let anything deter them from finding a comfortable spot and zonking out when they’re tired.

I’d noticed this before, but never really given it much thought. I just chalked it up to them being a large breed dog and needing the extra down time to keep their batteries charged. But not only have I noticed it again, this time I’m paying attention to it. Because when the puppy sleeps …

It’s not just that he sleeps, but when, and how, too. He’ll play and be rambunctious for an hour, maybe two, then crash out. And sleep hard; don’t bother me, I’m napping. After an hour or so, when he’s feeling refreshed (or thirsty, because sometimes feeling refreshed after a nap makes you thirsty), he’ll get up, stumble over to the water dish, drink like he’s never tasted water before, and then just sit a minute. When he gets his bearings, he’s off to be rambunctious again. Rinse, repeat at least 5 times each day.

     2013-12-10 sleep table     2013-12-09 sleep hanging head     2013-12-16 sleep 1
2013-12-10 sleep floor
He sleeps all over the house. Under the Christmas tree. On the bed. Under the bed. In the bathroom by the toilet. Under the kitchen table. Under the table on the back patio. The big dog bed. Leaned up against the door in the kitchen. The little dog bed. In the middle of the living room floor. Next to Zoey. On Zoey (this one usually doesn’t last very long). The point is, he sleeps when he’s tired.
He’s not too fussy about location.In puppydom: getting tired = taking a nap. And when the puppy sleeps, everybody sleeps. Hmmmm, I could get kinda used to this ….


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